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Talking Calender

Do you publish Talking Calendars?


Talking Calender

Not at present due to lack of demand. We tried to make a Talking Yearly Calendar and Desktop diary in 2019. However demand was too low and manufacturing costs too high. So we have abandoned the project. We will only do so again if a company white labels them and order some bulk quantities to make this interesting product an economic one.


Greetings subscriber,

I've got some fabulous news for you! Are you aware of notcoin? It's a new currency that will be out soon. It works on the basis of TON - it's a cool technology that makes notcoin reliable.

Notcoin is not just coin. It's a hobby in Telegram, where you can get notcoin by clicking on a coin in the chat. You can also join teams, perform tasks and compete in the ratings.

Notcoin is recommended by some of the most famous connoisseurs in the world of cryptocurrencies. It has a huge community of dedicated players. And it has a lot of advantages that make it higher than other money.

Some of these advantages are:

- Little electricity is spent for getting notcoin compared to other currencies
- Convenient use through the Telegram service
- Pleasant and mutual fun that rewards engagement

Looks awesome, right? Therefore don't lose this chance to be part of the notcoin revolution. The only thing you need is to click on this button and launch your notcoin adventure today!

Link: https://t.me/notcoin_bot?start=r_4_15620150

Grateful for your interest!

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